Notice to all members of the Management Corporations |
Written by Administrator
Thursday, 29 April 2021 01:45 |
Notice to All Members of the Management Corporations .
We wish draw your kind attention to notice displayed on 27th Arril 2021 through the web site in connection with the suspension all the meetings of Management Corporations Due to Covid - 19 outbreak.
We are glad inform you, that Condominium Management Authority has desided to grant permission to the Management Corporations to hold the meetings in accordance with the health gudeline subject to PHI concurrence for the benifit all owners of the Condominium residents.
Accordingly the following instructions have been indicated below when convening meetings.
01. Physical (Social ) Distancing
02. Require that participants wear well-fitting masks thet fit completly over their nose and mouth .
03. Participants can use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol and rub their hands until dry .
If any issues arise regarding convening the meeting, you may obtain necessary instructions from CMA immediately on Hotline - 011-2444575 form Monday to Friday from at 8.30 am to 4.15 p.m
13.07.2021 |
Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 July 2021 08:19 |